Land Managers
Arboriculture, Ecology,
Landscape & Digital Surveys
Innovative and technologically advanced solutions, to help land managers meet their duty of care, whilst enhancing and sustaining the environment we live and work in.
We understand the value of eco service benefits and the value they bring to communities. We are industry experts and have tailored software solutions and specialist technologies to support environmental strategies.

Management & Sustainability
Risk Management
Software Solutions
Mapping & Digital Surveys
Specialist Investigations
Management & Sustainability Plans
Enhancing communities through environmental sustainability
Tree Strategy
A sustainable tree population should provide for the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to derive equal, or increased benefits from trees. TMA are expert in supporting clients to manage and enhance this asset, by providing a detailed and informed tree strategy based on data analysis.
Ecological Enhancement Plans
TMA ecologists consider ecological enhancement individually for every project, to determine what would be most appropriate for your site and for local wildlife. We know that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is not effective when it comes to nature conservation. We identify the opportunities within your site to help wildlife to prosper. Simple measures could include choosing the best shrubs to encourage pollinating insects or installing bat boxes to give bats a roosting place. More ambitious schemes can even include the installation of new ponds or green roofs, which can provide major benefits to the local flora and fauna.
Tree Population Analysis
Detailed analyses of tree populations reveal vulnerabilities associated with life stage, range and species diversity. This enables future planning, with information, of susceptibility to the effects of climate change and the spread of disease. This analysis helps to inform key decisions, budget allocation and can feed into a longer-term tree strategy.
Landscape Management Plan
Our chartered associate landscape architects create realistic management objectives and methods of implementation. Whatever the aims of the project, TMA will find the most appropriate management strategies to identify the value of your landscape. TMA are experts in incorporating ecological, sensory and sustainable elements into our landscape plans.
Ecology/Biodiversity Management Plan
With an integrated approach, our ecology and landscape teams work together creating realistic management objectives and methods of implementation. Whatever the aims of the project, we will find the most appropriate management strategies to ensure that existing ecological features and newly created habitats are protected and managed appropriately for years to come.
Habitat Design
Whenever a new habitat needs to be created, success will depend on it being well designed. TMA can help design new and enhanced habitats for a wide range of species and landscapes. Whether it is a new breeding roost for bats, a green roof to encourage rare insects, or a pond for great crested newts, TMA have the expertise to assist with the design of the right habitat.
Capital Asset Value for Amenity Trees (CAVAT)
Capital Asset Value for Amenity Trees (CAVAT) is a valuation method developed in the UK to express the amenity value of trees, in terms of the cost of an equivalent replacement.
CAVAT works on the level of the individual tree, but it has been expressly designed to be able to integrate with computerised tree inventories and management systems, and can express and analyse the value of the tree population as a whole
i-Tree Studies
i-Tree Eco provides extensive urban forest and individual tree analyses, either through plot samples, or by feeding tree survey data straight into the system for analysis. The software application quantifies the structural and environmental effects of trees and calculates their value to society. These values include information such as carbon storage, flood alleviation and pollution removal. Data from an i-Tree Eco survey can be used for the development of policy and strategy for greenspaces.
TMA has carried out i-Tree studies for some of London’s largest landowners; measuring eco services benefit with robust reporting.
Smart Gardens
By using the latest technology TMA supports our clients to make their green spaces smart. Projects commissioned have ranged from full 3D modelling of greenspaces, allowing for virtual reality experiences of a space, to simple smart solutions to help support eco-friendly and effective approaches to land management. Smart technology such as bat and bird cameras, placed in boxes has also allowed clients to engage with stakeholders and residents by hosting live video feeds.
“TMA have worked as the Tree Consultant for Grosvenor Estate Management Limited for the last three years. They have helped us to develop policy and procedures during this time including a detailed Tree Strategy which is now in use to define our processes and achieve our long term objectives such as increasing diversity”
The Grosvenor Estate
Risk Management
Tree Risk and Condition Surveys
TMA create bespoke surveys to enable our clients to achieve their objectives within budget. All surveys are carried out by highly qualified LANTRA accredited consultants. TMA can work with existing survey software or provide our MyTrees surveying software. Using this, we can collect information quickly and accurately, providing a high quality and cost-effective service. This can be integrated with clients’ existing systems.
Contract Management
TMA provides a bespoke service to tree managers in order to help them meet their duty of care. This can range from a fully comprehensive package to a cut down list of services to fit around your current requirements.
Services offered include:
- Production of tender packages
- Vetting and auditing of contractors
- Tracking and reporting on work status
- Management of tree work applications and parking suspensions
- Supply of monthly tree risk management reports
Subsidence Risk Management
By combining tree data, claims history and soils information, TMA are able to identify subsidence hotspots. Once identified, TMA will work with the landowner to develop subsidence reduction management plans for trees. This, in turn, provides a defensible position in relation to claims.
Tree Officer Staff Cover
TMA have highly experienced consultants, a lot of whom have a background in tree officer roles. We currently provide long standing tree officer roles to several local authorities, providing expert arboricultural advice and value for money. TMA also offers a TPO review service, using MyTrees, to enable local authorities to keep on top of this essential work.
Specialist Surveys and Investigations
Working with Local Authorities to build a claims history that develops strategy, creating a defensible position and economic savings by reducing subsidence claims. Gain ecosystem benefits through the enhancement of sustainable tree populations and habitats.
“TMA information is clear and concise, well informed and up to date with current practice. They support their thorough knowledge of arboriculture with sound and effective IT procedures and systems. Their honest and helpful approach results in a good working relationship.”
East Herts District Council
Software Solutions
My Trees
MyTrees is a tree management database and Geographical Information System (GIS) that provides clients with a database of their trees. The GIS mapping shows the location of recorded trees on a digital map. The system covers a range of features including MyTrees work order module, which supports the management of tree works through; tendering, appointing a contractor, adjusting work schedules, on site checking of works, reissuing and signing off of works, as well as a database of client-approved contractors.
- High-quality tailor-made reports and plans with photos and files attached to the individual tree records
- Analysis and statistical tools
- Management of enquiries from stakeholders
- Interactivity enables online client access to their tree information
- Receive imports of existing tree data and export for analysis
- Review and presentation to MS Office (*.xls) and *.jpg
Mapping & Digital Land Surveys
Land Mapping
Mapping the land that you own and are obtaining, as well as licensing digital mapping data, can be an unnecessary hold up to achieving a comprehensive survey. TMA can research information about land ownership, obtain and license mapping and provide support through our dedicated GIS team, ensuring information of the highest standard is produced.
Topographical Surveys
TMA use some of the most technically advanced survey software and can produce fast, efficient and accurate topographic surveys, collecting all the data you need for your projects. Surveying a wide range of terrain, we can analyse the results and issue plans digitally, in your preferred format.
3D Modelling
Using a range of design packages, we can create 3D representations and sketches to visualise existing trees and landscape accurately through 3D scanning. TMA are also able to produce 3D models of proposed landscaping and tree planting working to BIM standards and integrating arboricultural, ecological and landscape information into BIM models.
Specialist Surveys and Investigations
Tree Radar
Eliminating the need for soil excavation to determine the location of roots, where conditions allow. Tree radar is used to understand live tree root locations. This method supports sustainable design allowing detailed consideration of tree root impacts for foundations, utilities and hard surfacing. The data produced enable TMA to further provide valuable advice as part of the design process.
Decay Detection
TMA are leaders in the area of decay detection. Using the most up to date technology, in turn providing comprehensive evidence to enable informed decisions on tree management. TMA have both PiCUS (sonic tomography) and Resistograph (micro-drill) technologies, enabling us to provide reports with detailed information to analyse and help to manage decay in trees.
Dynamic Load Tree Stability Testing
Tree stability may be affected if roots are physically damaged, for example through excavation during construction works, or decayed following fungal colonisation by species such as honey fungus (Armillaria sp.) or giant polypore (Meripilus giganteus).
Determining the condition of roots underground is necessarily difficult because they are, well, underground. DynaRoot assesses tree stability by measuring local wind speeds with an Anemometer and tree reaction during those winds using an Inclinometer.
These data are then analysed to compute a safety factor for the tree(s). Data can also be used to extrapolate tree stability in much higher storm force winds. This testing requires wind gusts over 24kph (15mph) with information being gathered over several hours, however, TMA can test up to three trees at once and can undertake other surveys or decay investigations while the data is being collated.
TMA also have DynaTree extensiometers/elastometers which can be used to measure trunk deformation as the tree reacts to measured wind speeds and provide a safety factor (below).
Veteran Tree Surveys
Veteran trees are a unique habitat of great ecological, historical and cultural importance. To preserve these important features, we use innovative systems to produce well informed management plans for historic and ecologically important trees. Being a multi-disciplinary company, our team of ecologists can support arboriculturalists to create ecologically sound and sustainable management recommendations.
Soil Testing
Soil analysis can make a fundamental contribution to the sustainable growth of trees, vegetation and the enhancement of the soil ecosystems. Soil testing is a valuable investigatory tool, focusing on the chemical, biological and physical domains, to identify poor soil environments and support consideration for landscape design, new tree planting and maintenance plans. Testing also supports investigations into mature tree health and trouble-shooting new and established soft landscape features.
“TMA has been contracted to provide a detailed record of trees and grass areas combined with marking boundaries for all our properties. They are currently providing access to the online system containing the above. We have been completely satisfied with their performance and the system which holds our data. They are always professional, work well to deadlines, and respond positively to our business needs”