Project Booking Form
Fact Sheets
CPD Sessions
TMA Fungi App
MyTrees Software
Project Booking Form
Fact Sheets
MyTrees Software
TMA Fungi App
CPD Sessions
Project Booking Form
Fact Sheets
MyTrees Software
TMA Fungi App
CPD Sessions
Project Booking Form
Fact Sheets
TMA have created single page fact sheets to help you understand what’s involved throughout your project.
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CPD Sessions

Chris Wright
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about Trees & Planning
Providing an insight into the role of the arboricultural consultant as part of the design team.
Exploring the importance of planning policy, landscape character, the individual and group values of trees within and adjacent to the site and working to best practice.
Gain an improved understanding of how to engage with the arboricultural consultant.
Learn how the arboricultural consultant can be a key player in designing a scheme that secures planning consent and balances economic viability with the environmental requirements of planning law.

Simon Thomas
Principal Ecological Consultant, TMA
Read more about Achieving Biodiversity Net Gain
A brief introduction to Biodiversity Net Gain and how it applies to your projects.
Learn how Biodiversity Net Gain is going to become mandatory within all developments and the benefits of considering it from an early stage.
Consider how to avoid or minimise any impact on biodiversity in the first place.
Familiarise yourself with the current guidelines and where to find more information.

Edward Cleverdon
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about Trees Close to Buildings
Providing an insight into the role of the arboricultural consultant as part of the design team.
Exploring the many design conflicts between trees and buildings, the impact these conflicts can have on project deliverables; and providing guidance on the various technical and design solutions available to manage planning risk / constraints for a harmonious development.
Gain an improved understanding of how to engage with the arboricultural consultant.
Learn how the arboricultural consultant can be a key player in designing a scheme that secures planning consent and balances economic viability with the environmental requirements of planning law.

Chris Wright
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about Trees & Fungi
A Fungi CPD session delivered by Chris Wright, author of TMA Fungi App to enable attendees to have an improved understanding of how to identify common wood decay fungi, understand how to respond to their presence on trees and gain confidence in taking individual steps to further studying the subject.

Chris Wright
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about The New London Plan
This session will inform planning professionals of the developing London-wide policy backing, regarding trees (and green infrastructure) in the context of development across Greater London.
Included will be context to why trees are more important than ever, what the emerging London Plan will require of proposed developments and how trees are best managed in response to the policy requirements.

Get updates on our latest sessions!

Chris Wright
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about Trees & Planning
Providing an insight into the role of the arboricultural consultant as part of the design team.
Exploring the importance of planning policy, landscape character, the individual and group values of trees within and adjacent to the site and working to best practice.
Gain an improved understanding of how to engage with the arboricultural consultant.
Learn how the arboricultural consultant can be a key player in designing a scheme that secures planning consent and balances economic viability with the environmental requirements of planning law.

Simon Thomas
Principal Ecological Consultant, TMA
Read more about Achieving Biodiversity Net Gain
A brief introduction to Biodiversity Net Gain and how it applies to your projects.
Learn how Biodiversity Net Gain is going to become mandatory within all developments and the benefits of considering it from an early stage.
Consider how to avoid or minimise any impact on biodiversity in the first place.
Familiarise yourself with the current guidelines and where to find more information.

Edward Cleverdon
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about Trees Close to Buildings
Providing an insight into the role of the arboricultural consultant as part of the design team.
Exploring the many design conflicts between trees and buildings, the impact these conflicts can have on project deliverables; and providing guidance on the various technical and design solutions available to manage planning risk / constraints for a harmonious development.
Gain an improved understanding of how to engage with the arboricultural consultant.
Learn how the arboricultural consultant can be a key player in designing a scheme that secures planning consent and balances economic viability with the environmental requirements of planning law.

Chris Wright
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about Trees & Fungi
A Fungi CPD session delivered by Chris Wright, author of TMA Fungi App to enable attendees to have an improved understanding of how to identify common wood decay fungi, understand how to respond to their presence on trees and gain confidence in taking individual steps to further studying the subject.

Chris Wright
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about The New London Plan
This session will inform planning professionals of the developing London-wide policy backing, regarding trees (and green infrastructure) in the context of development across Greater London.
Included will be context to why trees are more important than ever, what the emerging London Plan will require of proposed developments and how trees are best managed in response to the policy requirements.

Get updates on our latest sessions!

Chris Wright
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about Trees & Planning
Providing an insight into the role of the arboricultural consultant as part of the design team.
Exploring the importance of planning policy, landscape character, the individual and group values of trees within and adjacent to the site and working to best practice.
Gain an improved understanding of how to engage with the arboricultural consultant.
Learn how the arboricultural consultant can be a key player in designing a scheme that secures planning consent and balances economic viability with the environmental requirements of planning law.

Simon Thomas
Principal Ecological Consultant, TMA
Read more about Achieving Biodiversity Net Gain
A brief introduction to Biodiversity Net Gain and how it applies to your projects.
Learn how Biodiversity Net Gain is going to become mandatory within all developments and the benefits of considering it from an early stage.
Consider how to avoid or minimise any impact on biodiversity in the first place.
Familiarise yourself with the current guidelines and where to find more information.

Edward Cleverdon
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about Trees Close to Buildings
Providing an insight into the role of the arboricultural consultant as part of the design team.
Exploring the many design conflicts between trees and buildings, the impact these conflicts can have on project deliverables; and providing guidance on the various technical and design solutions available to manage planning risk / constraints for a harmonious development.
Gain an improved understanding of how to engage with the arboricultural consultant.
Learn how the arboricultural consultant can be a key player in designing a scheme that secures planning consent and balances economic viability with the environmental requirements of planning law.

Chris Wright
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about Trees & Fungi
A Fungi CPD session delivered by Chris Wright, author of TMA Fungi App to enable attendees to have an improved understanding of how to identify common wood decay fungi, understand how to respond to their presence on trees and gain confidence in taking individual steps to further studying the subject.

Chris Wright
Senior Arboricultural Consultant, TMA
Read more about The New London Plan
This session will inform planning professionals of the developing London-wide policy backing, regarding trees (and green infrastructure) in the context of development across Greater London.
Included will be context to why trees are more important than ever, what the emerging London Plan will require of proposed developments and how trees are best managed in response to the policy requirements.

Get updates on our latest sessions!
TMA Fungi App

The GIS mapping shows the location of recorded items on a digital map and is exportable to SHAPE, DXF and XLS formats for integration into other plans.
The system covers a range of features including MyTrees work order module which supports the management of tree works through tendering, appointing a contractor, adjusting work schedules, on site checking of works, reissuing and signing off of works as well as a database of client-approved contractors.
MyTrees database is available for our clients to access on a server and bespoke output reports can be provided.
- High quality tailor-made reports and plans
- Ability for photos and files to attach to the individual tree records
- Analysis and statistical tools
- Management of enquiries from stakeholders
- Interactivity enables online client access to their tree information
- Receive imports of existing tree data and export for analysis
- Review and presentation to MS Office